Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Can we withdraw, can we get a refund?
A: A player may withdraw from the season before the registration deadline. Once the deadline has passed, there will be no refunds.
We can not offer a refund due to weather related situations . There are extra training sessions built into the preseason, so we can get as many practices (training sessions) in as possible with the understanding, that we will be rained out some times. This especially holds true for the spring season.
All processing and service fees are non-refundable.
Q: Uniform Pricing and Ordering
A: Uniform Ordering. 5U-19U Players need to order a black jersey, a white jersey, a pair of black shorts, a pair of white socks, and a pair of black socks. Uniforms can be worn until the player doesn't fit into them anymore.
Q: Number of Regular Season Games and Start & End Dates
A: All teams will play 9-10 games a season. Fall: The games willl start in late August and will conclude in early to mid-November. Spring: The games will start the last weekend of February and end in early to mid-May.
Q: Where, when and how long will my players train and play their games?
A: 5U – 6U: Training and games at PAC (PTC) and Handley Park (Tyrone) on Friday evenings. 30 minute training session immediately followed by a 30 minute game for a combined one hour total each week. This will fall between the hours of 5:00 - 7:00 PM.
7U – 8U: Training and games at Braelinn (PTC) and Handley (Tyrone). Training day and time will depend on the volunteer coach. One session a week for 60 minutes in length. Games are predominantly on Saturdays and a few Sundays.
10U: Training and games at Glenloch or PAC (PTC) and Handley Park (Tyrone). Training days and times will depend on the coach. Two sessions a week for 70 minutes in length. Games are predominantly on Saturdays and a few Sundays.
12U: Training at PAC or Glenloch (PTC) and Handley Park (Tyrone). Days and times will be determined prior to the season. Two sessions a week for 75 minutes in length. Games are predominantly on Saturdays and a few Sundays.
14U - 19U: Training at PAC (PTC) and Handley Park (Tyrone). Days and times will be determined prior to the season. Two sessions a week for 90 minutes in length. Games are on Saturdays and Sundays.
Q: Training/Practice Needs
A: Kids should be drinking plenty of water. To avoid your child from feeling or getting ill, please have them hydrate. Game and practice days are not enough.
- (4U-6U) Parents can watch on the opposite sideline from the player/coach sidelines.
- (8U) At Braelinn, parents can sit across the cart path from the fields. At Handley, parents can sit opposite of the player sidelines.
- (10U-19U) Parents can view from the parking lots.
- For Training: White/Gray/Black T-Shirts (No sleeveless shirts) and Athletic Shorts
- For Games: Lazers Adidas Jerseys, Lazers Adidas Shorts, & Lazers Adidas Socks
- Soccer Boots/Cleats
- Wear socks over the shin guards (Not folded over)
- Bring a full water bottle
- Bring a properly inflated ball (Size 1 for 4U-6U, Size 3 for 7U & 8U, Size 4 for 10U-12U, Size 5 for 14U-19U)
Q: How do I know if the fields are open or closed?
A: Fields are updated by 3:00 PM each weekday, by 7:00 AM Saturday, and 11:00 AM Sunday at the field tab under the youth tab on the main page.
Please register for our status updates instantly through text message and/or e-mail at and register with "LSC/FCYSL/AFC". Please click here to get started.
Q: Can my child play up or down an age group?
A: All requests for play ups must be submitted when registering. We will only move players based on merit.
Players can not play down an age group.
Q: Can siblings play together?
A: Yes, as long as they qualify for the same age group and gender.
Q: Are the teams coed?
A: Teams are coed at 4U in PTC and for 4U-8U in Tyrone. All other age groups are split into male and female divisions.
Q: Who will coach my son/daughters team?
A: 5U-8U: Professional coaches will lead the training sessions, and parent volunteer coaches will assist during training and manage the teams during the games.
10U-19U: Professionally licensed coaches will lead training sessions and almost all games. Parent volunteer coaches will assist during training and games.
Lazers Soccer Club offers coaching classes before every season to help further educate all coaches, regardless of prior experience.